Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Working on in the Community

The recent "no evangelism" ban has been a real reminder that the door is open today but could be closed at any time.

But we continue to witness everyday in other ways. Our home has become a make shift clinic for some local kids. When they get injured they come to our house to get fixed up. It has been a priviledge to care for them. This boy burned his leg while riding a moto. It was starting to get infected when he came to our house. He came by a few days later to show us how well it was healing!

I continue to teach the book of John 3 days a week. About 75% of the students are not believers yet, though I see signs of repentence and fruit in some.

Please pray for us as we teach and care for the Cambodians. Pray for our students as they hear the Gospel call.

God Bless,


The Militant Pacifist said...

Hales - how 'bout an update! Jenn, we're praying for you and baby Hale!

Anonymous said...

added to my rss reader