Monday, May 17, 2010

Bill Preaching in Khmer

I have finally reached the point where I can preach in Khmer.  I’m not saying I am fluent but if I can prepare before hand I am able to speak pretty well.  We went to the Sre Trang Church of Mercy on Thursday and I preached a message on Galatians 2:16 titled, “saved by Faith.”  This is one of the biggest obstacles to overcome while working with the Khmers.  They believe a person is justified by their good works.

We had a good meeting and I was encouraged to see some growth in the church.  There were probably 60 people or more and they listened well and had reverent attitudes.  Thank you for praying for them. Pastor Ngan asked that we continue to pray God would give them wisdom to do the work of the Lord.

If you have time and want to hear a french dude speaking Khmer with a Texas twang go here:


The Lord reigns,


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Khmer 1689 Revision is Done!!!

In addition to teaching in the PATC Center, part of my work here in Cambodia is working to translate good Christian books into Khmer. The Khmer church is in great need of these books and currently have very little access to them. The process is difficult and costly. Each book takes about 6 months to translate and edit (two people – myself and my fellow worker Akpirin). The cost for the translation is about $1000 per book plus about $1600 to print 1000 copies. By God’s grace we have just revised and reprinted the 1689 Baptist Confession. Here is a link to see the book in PDF format:

Several Christian classics are already in Khmer in abridged form including:

Abraham Booth - Reign of Grace
Jeremiah Burroughs - The Mystery of Divine Contentment
John Flavel - Mystery of Providence
John Calvin - Institutes of the Christian Religion(first three books)

We are currently about 50% finished with The Death of Death in the Death of Christ by John Owen. After this we want to start on Martin Luther's Bondage of the Will. We are currently raising funds for these two works. Please consider partnering with us to help complete these exciting projects. Pray the Lord will bless the work of our hands and use these books for his glory

Grace and peace,

Thursday, May 6, 2010

A'run Soo-ah S'day (Good Morning in Khmer)

In September last year I started a Masters Degree in Theological Studies (Systematic Theology)at Reformed Baptist Seminary. ( The last few months I have been taking a course on Apologetics (via distance learning). It has been good for me. Being here in Cambodia has been a great blessing to me but sometimes I have felt dry spiritually. I was teaching, teaching, teaching but my learning was lagging behind. Thanks be to God for this learning opportunity! Please pray for me as I study. I hope to finish in about two years, God willing.

Also, a few months ago I submitted an article to the RB Seminary's blog. They posted the article but I forgot to post a link to the article on this blog. So if you have time, follow the link and spend a couple of minutes being reminded of God's great love for sinners! I would welcome any feedback you might have.
